We Now Support Student Loans!

Personalized rates from 20+ student lenders, through 1 form, in under 3 minutes.

Turn Your Car Dreams Into Reality

Low rates, local service. Apply for a new or used auto loan now!

87th Annual Members Meeting

Join us Tuesday, May 7th at the Cloquet Public Library for our 87th annual meeting!

17th Annual Shred Event!

Hoping to ditch old shred? The Shred-N-Go truck will be at our Stanley Ave branch in Cloquet on Saturday, May 4th from 9am-noon. 

Northwoods Credit Union: Loans Given, Dreams Realized.

Northwoods Credit Union Financing

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Credit Cards

Home Loans

Auto Loans



What Our Members Mean To Us

We are nothing without our values, our story, and our communities.