Turn Your Car Dreams Into Reality

Low rates, local service. Apply for a new or used auto loan now!

We Now Support Student Loans!

Personalized rates from 20+ student lenders, through 1 form, in under 3 minutes.

87th Annual Members Meeting

Join us Tuesday, May 7th at the Cloquet Public Library for our 87th annual meeting!

17th Annual Shred Event!

Hoping to ditch old shred? The Shred-N-Go truck will be at our Stanley Ave branch in Cloquet on Saturday, May 4th from 9am-noon. 

Northwoods Credit Union: Loans Given, Dreams Realized.

Northwoods Credit Union Financing

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Credit Cards

Home Loans

Auto Loans



What Our Members Mean To Us

We are nothing without our values, our story, and our communities.