
Have account information at your fingertips right when you’re ready for it. Free, online eStatements are just like paper statements, except more convenient, environmentally friendly, and secure

Save Paper with eStatements at Northwoods Credit Union

Save paper and save the environment

View Statement History on eStatements with Northwoods Credit Union

View up to 18 months of statement history

Reduce Fraud with eStatements at Northwoods Credit Union

Reduce chances of fraud and identity theft

Easily Retrieve Info With eStatements at Northwoods Credit Union

Easier to retrieve info when needed

Eliminate Your Paper Trail Using eStatements at Northwoods Credit Union

Eliminate a paper trail

eStatements are faster than paper statements

Arrive faster than paper statements

Simplify Record Keeping with eStatements at Northwoods Credit Union

Simplify record keeping

Access Past eStatements easily

Easily access past statements

Ability to download for permanent storage or print if needed

Receive email notice when new eStatement is ready

Receive email notice when new eStatement is ready

Sign-up for eStatements

Click here for our step-by-step instructions


View eStatements

  1. Login to Online Banking.

  2. Click on the eStatements tab.

With eStatements, account information is easier to retrieve when needed. More importantly, your info is more secure. The less paper trail you leave for identity thieves, the better you can avoid being a victim of fraud.

The new ATMs at Stanley Avenue and Moose Lake are up and ready for use! We hope you enjoy this upgraded experience.

