Please share the following information with your tax provider to ensure your tax return (and all automatic deposits) goes into your account. Incorrect account information may delay or even reject your tax refund.

Please follow these instructions and if you have any questions, contact us to clarify.

  1. Use your 4 or 5-digit account number. Do NOT include any zeroes before or after your account number. For example, 1234
  2. If a merchant will not accept the 4 or 5 digits, use the full 13 digits on the bottom of your check (MICR line)  For example (from check below) 0000000123456
  3. NEVER use the suffix number (ie. 1, 40, 75 etc. )

Example Check Northwoods Credit Union

You can reach out to us with any additional questions or concerns by calling us at 1-888-458-0975, emailing us at, or by visiting one of our branch locations in Cloquet, Moose Lake, and Floodwood!

Contact Us Now


*NCU is insured by the NCUA. Some links may take you to an outside website. We don’t control the content of outside sites. Please review their Privacy Policy as it may differ from our Privacy Policy. We hope you found the information you were looking for from Northwoods Credit Union.The following written content was generated by NCU staff with assistance from an AI-based system.We do our best to provide helpful information but can’t guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information presented in the article, under no circumstance does the information provided constitute legal advice. You are responsible for independently verifying the info if you intend to use it in any way. Additionally, the content is not intended to be reflective of NCU’s products or services, for accurate and complete details about our product and service information, visit our product pages and talk with an NCU employee.


New ATMs are coming to Stanley Ave Cloquet and Moose Lake!
Date: Tuesday, January 21
Note: ATMs will be unavailable during installation.
